We are a branch of the Parkinson's UK national charity. As a local suppport group, our purpose is to offer friendship and support to anyone affected by Parkinson's in the Reading area this this includes Parkinson's patients, family, friends and carers.. We believe noone should have to face Parkinson's alone and so we aim to be as acccessible as possible and offer a wide range of social and therapeutic activities.
Coming up....
Tilehurst Coffee Afternoon, Friday Noveber 22nd, 2pm - 4pm: Youth Hall, Tilhurst Methodist Church RG31 5AN
Partners and Carers Meeting, Thursday November 28th 2pm - 4pm: Salvation Army meeting hall, Lower Earley RG6 5HZ
Christmas Lunch, Wednesday December 4th from 12.30pm: Sonning Golf Club (** FULLY BOOKED **)
Wokingham Coffee Morning, Friday December 13th: 10.30am - 12pm, Bradbury Centre, Wokingham RG40 1XS
Bucket Collection, Friday December 20th: Tesco, Wokingham: All day.
Branch Meeting,Wednesday January 8th, 2.15pm - 4pm Our Lady of Peace, Earley RG6 7DA
Wokingham Coffee Morning, Friday January 10th, 10.30am - 12pm: Bradbury Centre, Wokingham RG40 1XS
Tilehurst Coffee Afternoon, Friday January 24th, 2pm - 4pm Youth Hall, Tilehurst Methodist Church RG31 5AN
Please note that the views expressed on this website are those of the editor and contributors and do not necessarily represent those of Parkinson's UK.