Therapies and Exercise Classes

Please contact us to make a booking or to find out more about any of the classes below



We are curently able to offer hydrotherapy sessions at:


Park House Spa

57 Honey End Lane,


RG30 4EL


The sessions run every Monday from 2.30pm to 3.30pm Branch members should contact David Adby for further information.

Salt Water Floatation Pool


Nirvana Spa offer the use of their floatation pool to people with Parkinson's and their carers for a very atttractive price. This is not a supervised session but you can follow suggested exercises on monitors around the pool. You must contact the Therapies Coordinator to arrange a time slot. The cost is currently £10.00 for the person with Parkinson's and free of charge for one carer.


Nirvana Spa

Mole Road

Wokingham RG41 5DJ

Walking Football


Please note that Walking Football is offered through the Parkinson's UK Bracknell Branch in conjunction with Berks & Bucks FA. Contact is Callum Salhotra and his details are below.





Pilates is very popular with the Parkinson's commmunity as it improves balance, increases strength and aids mobility. It is suitable for most people with Pqrkinson's no matter what their level of physical ability might be. Dedicated Parkinson's sessions are held with a fully qualified instructor every Wednesday from 12.45pm to 1.45pm at:


Our Lady of Peace church hall

338 Wokingham Road

Earley RG6 7DA


A small investment in a floor mat and other items will be required.


Ballroom Dancing

Dancing improves balance and coordination and improves overall fitness, all while exercising your brain. These instructor-led sessions are exclusively for people with Parkinson's and their carer or partner and are held every Wednesday at 11.40am to 12.40pm.


Please contact David Adby for futher information.


Our Lady of Peace church hall

338 Wokingham Road

Earley RG6 7DA

Singing and Voice Exercise Class


Led by Bimbi Shaw-Cotterill, on alternate Thursday afternoons. Sessions will be at the Berkshire Music Trust in Tilehurst.  We expect it to be a mixture of vocal warm-ups, singing technique and belting out some old favourites! No prior singing experience needed. Tea and biscuits included.


Where:            Berkshire Music Trust, Stoneham Court, 100 Cockney Hil

                        Tilehurst, Reading RG30 4EZ

When:             Thursday 16th January 2025 at 2:00 pm then fortnightly thereafter

Cost:               £5 per session, first session free.

Phone:            David Adby on 0118 926 7348

Email:    for the attention of David.


Our Lady of Peace church hall

338 Wokingham Road

Earley RG6 7DA

Weekly Movement and Balance Exercise Session (via Zoom)


This is a medium intensity exercise class which focusses on keeping active, increasing your range of movement and overall strength. About half the time is spent sitting down and for the other half you are standing with the chair close by for support if needed. A high-backed chair is most suitable and you may want to invest in some weights (a 1kg weight for each hand works well).


The added benefit of this class is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home or anywhere that has an internet connection. Contact us for the Zoom login and password. Sessions run every Thursday from 12.45pm to 1.30pm. Keep moving!!


Neuro Physiotherapy, Medium Intensity, Wokingham


Two neuro physiotherapy classes run every week as follows:


Tuesdays from 10.30am to 11.15am

Thursdays from 1.00pm to 1.45pm


Both are held at the Bradbury Centre in Wokingham. These are medium intensity classes suitable or most abilities. Places are limited by the size of the room so please contact us if you wish to attend.


The Bradbury Centre

Rose Street

Wokingham RG40 1XS



Neuro Physiotherapy, Medium/High Intensity, Caversham 


Two medium/high intensity neuro physiotherapy classes given by a specialist neurophysiotherapist, run every week as follows:


Mondays from 2.30pm to 3.30pm

PD - specific exercises at a medium/high intensity including PD-Warrior style exercises


Wednesdays from 3.00pm to 4.00pm

PD - specific exercises at a medium/high intensity including circuits and PD-Warrior style exercises


For more information about the classes please contact


Mapledurham Pavillion,

sign posted off the Woodcote Road




Free Parking



"Beat Parkinson's!" group drumming sessions, Stoneham Court, Tilehurst

Fortnightly samba drumming sessions restart September 12th 2024 11.00am to 12.15pm.

No experience required.

Instruments provided.

Partners and carers welcome.

Great fun guarenteed.
